„I am an artist and being black. I find it my duty, since I have a gift to create, to create with a purpose…“

Quintus Jan Telting was a great and formative master of contemporary art, a gifted musician, philosopher, a passionate free spirit, humanitarian and political activist.
He was constantly driven to keep on evolving, redefining, improving and above all contributing ever more of his visionary art and strong messages.
Born 1931 in Curacao, he was working all over the globe but mainly in Amsterdam, New York, Ibiza and Goa. It should take him almost four entire decades to complete his stylebending metamorphosis.
His outstanding heritage was an essential contribution to overcoming racial, cultural and social barriers and made him a momentous visionary, pioneer and ambassador of our global society today.
The decades
The ’60s
Love, Peace & Civil Rights
The ’70s
New York, Jazz, Black Panthers and Malcolm X
The ’80s
Redefining abstraction
The ’90s
Transcending time and space
The ’00s
Paintings currently available
are indicated with (a), all prices on request